Building Rural Broadband Today for a More Connected Tomorrow
Recognizing the need to address this expanding digital divide, consumer-owned broadband cooperatives and other key industry partners are mobilizing to provide solutions. Together, these stakeholders are forging new partnerships and developing innovative approaches to bring the benefits of broadband access to their rural communities.
The Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware Association of Broadband Cooperatives (VMDABC) was launched to address the need for a singular, unifying voice for cooperative broadband interests. We are committed to fostering ongoing collaboration between industry partners while serving as the preeminent voice on rural broadband policy before policymakers at all levels of government.
Join Today! VMDABC – The Rural Fiber Association is a leading voice and premier meeting ground for the best and brightest broadband stakeholders serving Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware. We invite you to join our efforts to bring the benefits of broadband to our rural communities. Learn more about becoming a member today!
The Association aims to:
Address barriers to rural broadband deployment through collaboration on strategic initiatives
Research and support industry best practices to improve access to broadband services
Generate timely policy analysis to guide our government relations and advocacy efforts
Serve as the leading voice on rural broadband before policymakers and elected officials
Foster greater coordination and partnerships through networking opportunities

Our Board of Directors

Casey Logan, Chair
EMPOWER Broadband

Bill Buchanan, Vice Chair
BARC Connects

Dr. Brian Bates, Secretary-Treasurer
Firefly Fiber Broadband

John M. Brock, Jr.

Donna Richardson West
Choptank Fiber

Gary Wood
Firefly Fiber Broadband

Michael Malandro
Choptank Fiber

Albert J. Lewis, II
BARC Connects

Angela B. Wilson
EMPOWER Broadband

Sarat Yellepeddi

Jeff M. Ahearn
Bee Online Advantage

Frank R. Garman, Jr.
Bee Online Advantage

Dr. Peter Murhoro